Incidental Learning with Patti Stiles

Recently, two groups of intrepid improvisers were fortunate to attend intensive workshops run by improviser extraordinaire Patti Stiles. Due to the exercises devised by Patti and the commitment and zeal shown by the workshop attendees, there were also incidental lessons learned in addition to the central tenets of Improv wisdom she imparted. Presented below are what the attendees learned incidentally about improv, life, themselves and each other.

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Improv: It's Character Building

In order for you to get a clearer picture of the benefits of Improv, we’ve taken the time to set out how doing some Improv could help the characters on some of your favourite streaming and television hits. Binge this!

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Liam Spargo
A primer on post-performance prattle

Let’s set the scene. You’ve just been to see one of our shows. You’re basking in the glow of having seen a life changing theatrical experience and you spy our intrepid performers relaxing, chatting and (likely) enjoying a drink or two. You think to yourself “Wow, they’re even more suave and enchanting up close. I’d love to be able to engage them in meaningful conversation, but gosh, what would I even begin to talk about?

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Liam Spargo
Don't Be Afraid. Failure Is An Option

Given humanity’s ingrained desire to protect our self-worth, it’s may be surprising that Improv, an art form where people are expected to manifest entertainment from scratch without the safety net of a practice run, even exists at all. Perhaps it’s how Improv and improvisers approach the idea of failure that is the key to Improv’s continued success and existence.

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Liam Spargo
Being Spontaneous with Santa

Improv Queensland is proud to offer corporate improv workshops. Recently, two of our teachers, Natalie and Becky, found themselves running a workshop for a large group of Santas-in-training.

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Liam Spargo