Posts in Learning Improv
Incidental Learning with Patti Stiles

Recently, two groups of intrepid improvisers were fortunate to attend intensive workshops run by improviser extraordinaire Patti Stiles. Due to the exercises devised by Patti and the commitment and zeal shown by the workshop attendees, there were also incidental lessons learned in addition to the central tenets of Improv wisdom she imparted. Presented below are what the attendees learned incidentally about improv, life, themselves and each other.

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Meet your teacher: Amy Driscoll

Meet Amy Driscoll, one of Improv QLD;s dynamic Level 1 workshop teachers. Improv is a great way to express your creativity, develop your confidence, and have a good time. If you’ve never been to an improv class, you might be wondering what it entails. Check out this intervidew with Improv QLD Workshop teacher Amy Driscoll on Improvisation Queensland’s Brisbane beginner's improv course.

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