Thinking about trying improv?
Wade chats about ImproMafia’s entry level classes.
Check out this video with Workshop Director Wade Robinson on what ImproMafia's beginners course offers new participants.
You don't need any prior experience to enrol in an ImproMafia introductory course. You will develop creative and listening skills, learn the value of "failing", and make new friends.
Train together, Laugh together, Play together - Theatresports Social Club
Always wanted to try improvisation? Take our free taster class and find out why we love it, and what it can do for you!
Take your improvisation practice to the next level by learning to create powerful, memorable characters perfect for both fun, comedic shows and dramatic work.
Discover new skills and unlock your creativity with Improv QLD’s highly regarded introduction to impro course.
You opened a door to a whole new world when you took your first improvisation class.
Now it's time to unleash your creativity!
Always wanted to try improvisation? Take our free taster class and find out why we love it, and what it can do for you!
Always wanted to try improvisation? Take our free taster class and find out why we love it, and what it can do for you!
Discover new skills and unlock your creativity with Improv QLD’s highly regarded introduction to impro course.
Always wanted to try improvisation? Take our free taster class and find out why we love it, and what it can do for you!