Iron Improviser: A Glance into the Life of the Elite
The dust has well and truly settled after Improv Queensland’s 19th Iron Improviser showdown, and a new head* wears the crown and championship belt, carries the sceptre, dons the velvet cape and showcases the mighty trophy (at their discretion, because it’s all made up).
In December, the battleground - Ron Hurley Theatre - saw three teams enter the arena, and three teams leave. This was a great and expected outcome.
Decked out in the Barbie-inspired colour of the season, Team Becky-Nat-Liz tried in earnest to win the audience’s favour with classic games - endowments, love songs, historical replays. Team Wade-Liam-Tara leaned in to a villainous team persona, as can be expected of any team wearing bright orange - the most villainous and antagonistic of colours. Team Becky-Nat-Liz were loved by the audience, and Team Wade-Liam-Tara were LoveHated by the audience, but it was ultimately Team Carla-Luke-Drew that earned the greatest volume of clappyclaps that propelled them to victory. Their strategy? Utilising talent and skill to perform impressively.
In a last-second lightning round to determine a new Iron Improviser, Carla, Luke and Drew all delivered short solo musical performances that were all genuine “wow” moments. A stark reminder that a team comprising these three talents was destined to win. Only one can hold the title, however, and the power of the Iron Improviser was swiftly entrusted to Carla Haynes, and the village rejoiced.
The Improv Queensland blog is proud to boast the industry connections to pull some strings and secure an interview with the Iron Improviser herself, below. Interview conducted by freelance improv investigative journalist Liz Talbot.
*the previous Iron Improviser has not simply acquired a new head. The entire body and person has been replaced.
Iron Improviser Carla, laughing at the idea of ever again flying in Economy Class.
IMPROV QLD: What advice do you have for kids who dream about one day being the Iron Improviser? Would you encourage that, or is it wildly unrealistic?
IRON CARLA: As a kid, whenever anyone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was always “The Iron Improviser of 2023”. This was usually met with looks of either confusion or pity, but that didn’t bother me. I even made myself a little Iron Improviser doll that would do ‘bits’ when you pressed a button (my doll-making skills were on point from a very young age). My parents were so out of touch and didn’t understand what I was going through. But I showed them. I showed everybody. Anyway to answer your question, I would encourage all kids to dream big. The glitz and glamour of the improv world awaits.
IMPROV QLD: Tell us - what rules must be followed when meeting the Iron Improviser? Must you never turn your back on them, like royalty, and are people welcome to approach you if they aren’t spoken to first?
IRON CARLA: What a ridiculous question. Of course you can turn your back on us, we’re just regular people. Although, I should mention that it’s generally considered quite inappropriate to look an Iron Improviser directly in the eyes. We usually interpret this as an act of extreme aggression which often leads to a swift and violent attack.
IMPROV QLD: Out of all the perks of holding the Iron Improviser title, which is your favourite? Do you get airline lounge access?
IRON CARLA: Of course I do. I’m basically a celebrity now. My favourite perk is probably all of the sweet attention I get. I can’t go anywhere without people wanting a photo or an autograph. Sometimes both! The papparazi did take some getting used to, but now I’m friends with most of them. Sometimes I’ll just hang out with them while they’re taking photos of other celebrities! And then I usually ditch them so I can hang out with said celebrities (who - let’s face it - are more on my level, you know?).
Iron Improviser is Improv Queensland’s long running short-form improv tournament. 2024 will be its 20th year - that’s an incalculable amount of time. Follow Improv Queensland on socials and keep checking the website and blog later in 2024 to access tickets and information.