What’s On?
Always wanted to try improvisation? Take our free taster class and find out why we love it, and what it can do for you!
Take your improvisation practice to the next level by learning to create powerful, memorable characters perfect for both fun, comedic shows and dramatic work.
Discover new skills and unlock your creativity with Improv QLD’s highly regarded introduction to impro course.
You opened a door to a whole new world when you took your first improvisation class.
Now it's time to unleash your creativity!
Always wanted to try improvisation? Take our free taster class and find out why we love it, and what it can do for you!
Always wanted to try improvisation? Take our free taster class and find out why we love it, and what it can do for you!
Discover new skills and unlock your creativity with Improv QLD’s highly regarded introduction to impro course.
Always wanted to try improvisation? Take our free taster class and find out why we love it, and what it can do for you!
What’s New?
Recently, two groups of intrepid improvisers were fortunate to attend intensive workshops run by improviser extraordinaire Patti Stiles. Due to the exercises devised by Patti and the commitment and zeal shown by the workshop attendees, there were also incidental lessons learned in addition to the central tenets of Improv wisdom she imparted. Presented below are what the attendees learned incidentally about improv, life, themselves and each other.
In order for you to get a clearer picture of the benefits of Improv, we’ve taken the time to set out how doing some Improv could help the characters on some of your favourite streaming and television hits. Binge this!
For the 20th time - yes, the 20th time - performers took the stage in pursuit of the title of Iron Improviser.
On a humid and rainy night at the end of November, after a sold-out iteration of SNAP! Improv at The Raven, Improv Queensland’s familiar faces gathered to reflect on 2024.
Let’s set the scene. You’ve just been to see one of our shows. You’re basking in the glow of having seen a life changing theatrical experience and you spy our intrepid performers relaxing, chatting and (likely) enjoying a drink or two. You think to yourself “Wow, they’re even more suave and enchanting up close. I’d love to be able to engage them in meaningful conversation, but gosh, what would I even begin to talk about? “
What I Like About Improv

About Us
Improv QLD is Brisbane's longest established improvised comedy group.

Take in a hilarious full-blown improvised theatrical production - or join us at the pub for fun, free shortform comedy.

Want to do what we do? Our long-running training program enjoys a reputation as Brisbane's best.

A review of an improv show.