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Why I Started a Journal

Recently Jen O’Sullivan and I published the first issue of our journal on improvised theatre (Present, go get the first issue for free here). It had been in the works for a couple of years (slightly delayed due to global pandemics) and we were proud to get it out there. But someone asked me what the point of it was?

I think for us the journal has a few functions. One is to document the work that gets done in Australia and New Zealand, including some of the creative processes and ideas that formed part of the creative practice. The other was to start to publish some of the fundamental ideas that drive the work in the region.

There are elements of improvisation in our region that are unique and some of the thinking about our work greatly differs from what occurs from what you would find elsewhere in the world. We sometimes get a chance to discuss these ideas at festivals or when we travel but the conversations are normally between small groups of people, and sometimes hidden away from those who don’t get the privilege to travel.

The journal’s goal is to open up those conversations to anyone who cares to hear them, be inspired by what other people are doing and get people’s creative juices flowing. It's early days yet, but we look forward to what is coming next.

-Luke Rimmelzwaan

Present: Journal of Improvised Theatre highlights the unique elements of improvisation all across Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia, documenting and discussing practices, shows, artists & companies, advice, and deep dives into areas of our craft as-yet unexplored.

If you haven’t picked up your free copy of the first edition, we recommend heading to to pick up your copy.

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